In Labour?
If you think you are in labour or might have broken your waters, call the hospital at which you are booked, and they will give you instructions on what to do.
Epworth Freemasons Delivery Suite
9418 8303 (24 hours a day)
St Vincents Private Delivery Suite
9411 7320 (24 hours a day)
Mercy Hospital for Women Delivery Suite
8458 4059 (24 hours a day)
Bleeding or pain?
For bleeding or severe pain prior to 20 weeks, contact Kent’s rooms on (03) 9115 9338 or his paging service on 9387 1000 OR alternatively attend the emergency department at Epworth Richmond or Mercy Hospital for Women.
For bleeding or severe pain after 20 weeks, call the hospital at which you are booked, and they will give you instructions on what to do.
Business Hours
For all enquiries during business hours, call Kent’s rooms on (03) 9115 9338 .
After Hours
For urgent matters after hours, call Kent’s paging service on 9387 1000.
For emergencies, you should attend the emergency department at Epworth Richmond or Mercy Hospital for Women depending on where you were seen.